Ok. Here we go. Work life is officially about to start. Tomorrow I go to my first day at the Jr. High School I'll be working at. It'll be the opening ceremony stuff, so it's not really a real day, more like a warm up for the real deal.
Anyway,I have been living in Kitamoto since Monday. I got a couch-bed, fridge, some chairs, a bike, and a washing machine. The first two days I was here I had to sleep on the floor and use my clothes as a bed/pillow. That sucked and I wouldn't recommend it.
I have been riding my bicycle everywhere because it suits me perfectly as the current president of "Team Failure".

Riding bikes here is crazy. I've almost been hit by at least 3 cars. Talk about living on the edge. Forget skydiving or swiming with sharks. Try riding a bike around a bunch of asians. No offense. Actually, the people here aren't bad drivers, the streets are just tiny and crowded at times.
Lets see. What else. In Japan you have to separate ALL of your garbage and put out the various types on different days. There are like 7 different categories for trash. Each type has its own special bag that you have to buy. I want to get in on this trash bag racket. It sounds like a sweet monopoly.
Oh yeah. I don't have an internet connection, so my communications back to all of you people will be fewer and further between. That doesn't mean I have forgotten about you, just that I'm tired of walking around with my laptop searching for a wireless network that will let me log on. Even when I do log on, I often only get like 5 minutes of connection time before my computer decides to fail. Go Team Failure! Yay! When I'm searching for wireless networks I am also subject to the sun's rays or the mosquitoe's bite. Both are no bueno. Hmmm...I think that might be it.