Today my school had a little bazaar in their gym. They had a lot of really cheap stuff. One kid bought a pretty decent guitar for 300yen. I told him he got a steal of a deal, and taught him how to tune it. It's a classical though, so the neck is probably too wide for him to learn chords. Oh well. He can always skip to classical solos I guess.
After that I played soccer for around 3 hrs with the Miyauchi Junior High soccer club.
During the second scrimmage, I started doing ridiculous celebrations whenever I would score (ie tumbling down the field and pulling my shirt over my face, spreading my arms like wings and yelling GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAL! [I couldn't help it. I had the theme from Karate Kid "You're the Best" stuck in my head]). Some of the kids got the word "Fantastic!" from another teacher and kept wanting me to say it, but when you say it, you gotta shake your arms up and down and say it in a really high pitch voice. Anywho, I would use it when the students who wanted me to say it would mess up. I'm a jerk even to little kids. Ha ha ha.
Then again, these "little kids" are pervy little mofos. The love to ask me questions like, "How many meters is your diku?" or "Do you like doggy style?". They also like running around saying "Penesu!" and "Buagina" (they're not very good at prounouncing v's). Anyway, the point is that they are little bastards.
Later that night, I went and met up with a bunch of people at a bar called the Hub in Omiya. There were a bunch of people I had met once before there.

I got to see some sugoku kimoi pictures of dude making out with other dude because they were so drunk. Also, I got to meet Caroline *swoon*. After a while at the Hub, we left and went to the King George (another bar). On the way, Caroline told some horrible (horribly funny) jokes. Let's look at a few:
Q: What's black and blue and drives women wild?
A: Crib death.
Q: What's worse than 10 babies in 1 dumpster?
A: 1 baby in 10 dumpsters.
Q: What's the difference between a baby and a trampoline?
A: You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
We eventually got to the King George bar and...they totally played RASPUTIN! Unfortunately, I couldn't do Russian pop ups because I got cleated by a student while playing soccer so my ankle was super stiff. Next time. It was the owner's birthday party, so the bar was too packed so went to bar above that bar.

It was pretty empty so the time was consumed with people lifting each other up and a mild breakin' lesson. Also, one of the tiny Japanese girls kept saying, "Suck my dick" and "Shut your cakehole". Good times. We ended up leaving that bar to do some karaoke. Most of us ended up going down the stairs (the "lift" [*cough* elevator *cough*] was a little bit shady) and on the way Tom picked up a pumpkin that was being thrown out. I ended up carrying it because I'm apparently the local packhorse. When we hit the bottom of the stairs, we didn't see an exit, so we had to jump over the fence. Nobody ate it which was half a surprise.

We made it to the karaoke place, and ended up getting a room with a hot tub. Sweet. A dirty German guy ate it while trying to get back into the tub room and started bleeding all over the place. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Sucks to be him. Unfortunately, there was no good 90's rap (Notorious B.I.G, Digital Underground, Vanilla Ice [I forgot to check for Sir Mix-A-Lot]), but there was a kajuzzi, so everything was ok. Half of us ended up leaving in wet underoos, and it was COLD outside. Cest la vie. After we got outside, Jen chased me down the street (I think I kicked her or something, but I can't remember) and di

rty German guy and I got in an argument about something stupid he said then he kinda hit me in the stomach causing me to go into wrist-hulk mode (aka I started getting mad) so I ended up walking away from everyone with Caroline.
We spent the rest of the time until the first trains at McDonalds. Then we caught an early train and headed back to our respective locales. Tom and The Afro Aussie (I gotta remember his name) left and she refused to take her pumpkin. What a captain poopie! I'll just have to carve another awesome "The Tick" jack-o-lantern I think. Spoon!
Caroline and I went back to Kitamoto and hung out (She lives in Gunma and she had plans to go to Kumagaya the next day, so my place is on the way and it has plenty of room). She also gave me the best compliment I've ever gotten. Here it is: "You have really nice skin. It's nicer than a coat made of dead puppies". How can I resist?