Ok. Just in case you were worried, I am still alive even after working for 2 weeks at a full time job in another country. I haven't had a chance to do much e-mailing because its been raining pretty consistantly out here so I can't go pirating wireless internet. Anyway, the job is really easy actually. I just have to find that happy medium between the teacher and the students and stay there. That means I'm just enough pro-chaos that the students like me and just enough pro-dicipline and professionalism that the teacher doesn't realize that I am probably much less mature than the students. Anytime I get a complement on my professionalism I just say that I'm a really good actor. I think that most people think it's a joke. Ha ha. Oh well.
Let's see. What else? Ummm...I finally got myself a gasu teburu (gas range/stovetop) so I can finally eat warm food. Up to this point, everything was either cold or tapwater hot. It feels good to be able to cook. I still have about 30,000 Yen (approx. $255) to live off of for the next month and a half. Hopefully I can stretch my money and not die. If I begin to starve then I can always go to the house of the Principal of an elementary school that I'll be teaching at. Walking, he lives about 2 minutes away from me. His wife invited me to have dinner with them the other night. We spoke for a while and somehow the conversation turned to golf. I mentioned that I play a little and they proceeded to invite me to go with them. I guess that I'm gonna be going golfing in Japan October 14th. That should be interesting. His wife also asked me what I have in my apartment and when she found out that I only had one bowl she proceeded to give me a couple of plates and bowls. They're very nice.

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