I am Thor. Look at my hammer. I like my hammer. Wait. No. I got hammered. Fuck...Drinking. How did I get home? Wait. Where am I. Why the fuck is there a St. Bernard in the walkway? What happened? Oh yeah. Jen...Her friends. Drinking. Morticians? FUCK.
Ok. So I went out with Jen and we met up with her enbalmer friends in Omiya. That's a fucking wierd job if you ask me, but I guess it's gotta get done. Anyway, we get to a pub/bar and start drinking. Things go fuzzy from there. I met a few new people including Tomoe (Tom). I found out out Chico is in northern Cali. I skimped on buying drinks when I lost at darts (Tom covered me). Jen crashed a B-Day party. People got worried. I went to find her (and skimp on buying drinks). Found her and stole the Birthday Hammer (Jen broke it on the b-day guy's ass while she was spanking him). Started yelling FUCK YEAH with the birthday guy's friends and wishing the birthday guy happy birthday. They were cool as fuck. Had to leave. Jen was passed out between signs. We missed the last train so we had to take cab back to the Kawa (like 60 fucking dollars instead of the 290 yen train fare). Yarfed in the cab. Jen was passed out. Got to Kawa. Had to walk back to her place. She kept falling over and laying in the street. I kept spitting out my puke residue. Somewhere along the way I picked up a St. Bernard statue. It's sitting in her entryway. What a fucked up night. Fun as hell though.
Now I'm hung over and tired. We are active enough to go to the store to buy some nori, but that's about it. Jen tried to make rice but made gruel. What a sucker. After that she had the balls to say, "Hey. Wanna make some rice? It's really easy." Yeah, like you didn't just make gruel. Hahahahahaha. Oh yeah. There's puke all over my shoes. Guess I'll have to clean them one of these days. I have become so much less responsible since coming to Japan. I fail hard. Score! Nori, rice and umiboshi are sooooo good. I need to find a place out here that has the Korean nori though. That is....soooooooooooooooo good. Ahhhhh.

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