Friday, December 1, 2006

Soulcrushing Exercises at Kitamoto Elementary School

Today I went and taught a special lesson at Kitamoto Elementary school with one of the junior high English teachers from Miyauchi JHS. He handed me a piece of paper that easily had the power to crush the spirits of an entire classroom of students...HIS LESSON PLAN! As I read through it, I felt my individuality slowly begin to dissipate. My very essence began to disintegrate. He was going to present A BORING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LESSON! There was really nothing I could do but sit back and go along with it. After 40 minutes of boring read and repeat exercises, it was finally my time to shine. I got to play Jingle Bells on the guitar, and have the students sing along with me. That actually went really well and they seemed to have fun doing it.

After the lesson ended, the school gave me a towel and two air fresheners* as a "thank you" gift. They really know how to make a lady feel special, you know what I mean? So what? I sweat too much and I stink. What a bunch of meanieheads. But wait a sec. I do sweat too much and I do stink. I can't stay mad at people who are so direct. Awwwww. This is seriously the 4th towel I've gotten as a gift.

*as a note: I have since been told that my "air fresheners" are actually things you drop into the water when you take a bath. I'm still using one as an air freshener in my restroom though.

Also, waiting in my email mailbox was this picture from Caroline with following written about it:

"just so you know that I'm not actually cute..."

I'm sure anyone who sees this will agree with me when I say, "What Lies!".


atama ga itai. said...

oooh. no. embarassing. But in that way that makes me laughcough.

The Sofa King said...

laughcoughing is super sexy.