After the lesson ended, the school gave me a towel and two air fresheners* as a "thank you" gift. They really know how to make a lady feel special, you know what I mean? So what? I sweat too much and I stink. What a bunch of meanieheads. But wait a sec. I do sweat too much and I do stink. I can't stay mad at people who are so direct. Awwwww. This is seriously the 4th towel I've gotten as a gift.
*as a note: I have since been told that my "air fresheners" are actually things you drop into the water when you take a bath. I'm still using one as an air freshener in my restroom though.
Also, waiting in my email mailbox was this picture from Caroline with following written about it:
"just so you know that I'm not actually cute..."

I'm sure anyone who sees this will agree with me when I say, "What Lies!".
oooh. no. embarassing. But in that way that makes me laughcough.
laughcoughing is super sexy.
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