(As a sidenote, did anyone notice that it says, "Lets women pee like a man" instead of "like men"? Hopefully the man it makes them pee like doesn't piss his pants all the time...)
How could I not click on it? It was way too interesting to pass up. It's such a good idea that I'm thinking of investing. Like the site says,
It is perfect for all outdoor activities, like hiking, camping,
climbing, boating, backpacking, traveling, driving, outdoor
music festivals or even a family picnic.
climbing, boating, backpacking, traveling, driving, outdoor
music festivals or even a family picnic.
Talk about a moneymaker...Every woman in the world will need one. But don't take my word for how good this product is. Visit their website. You'll be glad you did. Trust me.
Also, today in English class, I got to listen to a Wham! song. The teacher I was doing the lesson with was shocked when I told him that I had never heard the song "Last Christmas". I was equally shocked when the teacher asked the students "What Christmas songs do you know?" to which they responded "Last Christmas" with no prompting whatsoever. Japan loves their Wham!. Anyway, I'm ashamed to admit it, but after hearing it a couple of times, I was singing along to the song. I'm すげー (pronounced "sugee", which sounds like "suh gay", but means "awesome". It's actually funny when there is no explanation necessary). At least everyone else was singing it too.

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