So Caroline decided to buy some carrots just because they were extremely long. We ended up playing with them like they were swords until we began to use them as whips. That's right. Really long carrots used as whips. And let me tell you. They freakin' hurt. These battles continued for a few days until we broke them in The Great Carrot Battle.
Basically this is what happened. Caroline grabbed a carrot and whipped me (I think I tickled her a lot to spark that reaction). I hopped up and readily accepted her challenge by grabbing another of the freakisly lengthy carrots. We began the whipping battle, and things seemed grim for me. I was wearing a regular t-shirt and some warm up pants. Caroline, on the other hand, was wearing jeans and a thick winter hapi coat. Luckly, Caroline's armor didn't go to her hands which were my prime target. I wacked them repeatedly until I could feint an attack to the hand and then get a good whip on the leg. Ha ha ha.
She ended up breaking a couple of carrots on various parts of my body and I kept wacking her in the hand or leg with the super elastic carrot until we eventually called a truce (*cough* she gave up *cough*), and thus the battle ended. It resulted in various welts all over our arms and legs.
hahahahah. i really won, don't know what YOU are talking about....
and by won i mean "wan wan".
you wish. i whipped your butt.
( ^-^ )
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