10-09-06 through 10-11-06
Tonight was Caroline's friends' (Morgan and Maya [M&M*]) going away party. Since the celebration of them leaving (I'm sure all of Japan is greatful for this departure...just funnin') was taking place in Tokyo, Caroline came down to hang out in Kitamoto for a while. Before she came down, I went shopping for some new clothes and some Christmas presents. I was able to find two sweaters and a jacket at UNIQLO which set me back 1500 yen (under $15). I love their sale bins. I also bought a new pair of jeans for 1990 yen and a Christmas present for Caroline; a Hard Gay toy that she had been looking for. I also found a toy that I'm debating on buying. The name is just so awesome. Look and judge for yourself.

Anyway, I went back home to drop off my stuff, then headed out to meet Caroline at the station. She ended up bringing me a bunch of stuff she pilfered from M&M's place. I now have a pot, a frying pan with no irritating raised bumps, spices, Christmas lights and Christmas ornaments. She also brought me some real towels (hot pink ones at that!). We brought that stuff back to my place and hung out for a while before we left to catch the train that M&M were on (Yes. If you were wondering, we did hit up the Daily Yamazaki to buy booze for the train. How can you live without booze on a train?).

We met up with M&M and one of their friends on the train and proceeded to have a bit of a photoshoot. I brought a couple of pairs of my yellow sunglasses, so they wore them while Caroline and I posed with each other and a bag lady. I recall making some horrible joke about how funny it is to pose with her until we find out she's dead. Anyway, we kept this up until we had to switch trains, after which we just stood around talking until we got to our destination.

After we got to Shinjuku, we headed out to do Karaoke. We ended up going to Yoshinoya to get some food in our stomaches before a night of drinking, and ended up meeting a couple of M&M's friends there too. At the Yosh, I managed to walk into a wall while heading over to the bathroom, so I had to pee in shame. After we finished our food, we headed back to the station to go to Shibuya. Caroline and I had to wait for Jen because she was on her way to meet up with us. Eventually, we met up with her and caught a super packed train to Shibuya.

The train to Shibuya was freakin' awesome. There were people packed in so tight that whenever one person moved, the whole group would have to move. I was able to offer a few people some Cheetos, but they refused. Oh well. I did get them to crack a smile when I offered them. We eventually made it to Shibuya and met up with the others at karaoke place. This Japanese guy M&M are friends with sang Master of Puppets (Metallica) and Angel of Death (Slayer). It was awesome. The group got nomihodai (all you can drink) for six people, but the three of us, Caroline, Jen and I, showed up late and left early to avoid having to pay for nine people. Sweet.
After we left, karma followed closely, until it decided to pounce on us. Two girls and two guys walked by with purikura in hand and I asked them where a purikura place was. The two guys proceeded to get mad and start cursing a bunch in Japanese. Some mild drama ensued, then got diffused. What a pain in the ass. Karma's a bitch. We walked away, Jen got mad at me for saying she's all about drama and walked away by herself. I got super frustrated and let her go. Caroline said that we should go find her, but I was like, "Fuck that. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself". Eventually, Caroline convinced me to go look for her, and lowe and behold, Jen was walking back right when we were heading out. I got to have a good ole' fashioned "serious" conversation with her. Caroline had to urine, so she headed off and Jen and I kept up our discussion.

Eventually, we came to a consensus, then we waited for Caroline to return. We waited for a while before I texted her to see where she was. She said McDonalds, so we headed over to the McDonalds that Jen had ordered a hamburger at after she walked away after our initial argument. Jen picked up her burger, andn we looked for Caroline. Not there...Hmmmm...Jen then said that Caroline had walked off in the opposite direction, so we headed out and then found another McDonalds (not more than 3 minutes away...there are too damn many McDonalds in this country). We checked that McDonalds, but she wasn't there either. I texted her again, and she said she was trying to head back to the place we did Karaoke at. Eventually, I found her sitting on the corner of a street. We met up with Jen and the group was whole again.
From there, things are a little fuzzy for a while (I'm not sure if I'm putting everything in the correct order, but I know that everything I wrote actually happend), but I remember that we ended up sitting in a McDonalds for a while until we decided to leave (I had to go to the bathroom, but some guy had been in it for like 10 minutes, so we decided to leave). Somewhere after a McDonalds, we ran i

nto the skuzziest looking rodent I've ever seen (come to think of it, it looked a lot like the "rodent of unusual size" in the "fire swamp" scene of The Princess Bride). Gross. We took some pictures, then set off again until we stumbled upon a Yoshinoya where I was able to relieve my bladder. When I came outside, Jen and Caroline were talking to a couple of Japanese guys. They didn't notice me come out, so I sat on a metal post and watched the conversation. I heard Jen repeatedly say, "Our friend is inside on the second floor, etc, etc, etc". I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I had walked right next to them, but they didn't notice me at all. Ha ha ha ha. Eventually I texted Caroline saying that I had been outside for 5 minutes. I saw a bit of confusion in her face when she read it, then she showed Jen. Then they both had matching confused faces and I laughed even more when they kept looking around unable to locate me. Finally, I waved to them, the confusion turned into humor, I walked over and we left.

While we were walking from there, somehow Jen met some Italian guy. I'm not sure what he wanted, but Jen started leading us somewhere saying we were going to drink. As we headed toward these alleged "drinks", we decided we should head back to Karaoke place to try to find Jen's shirt and Caroline's lens cap. We got there, but were unsuccessful in our salvage operation. We headed back the way we came from and went to Don Quoxte (the store with everything). For some reason, the Italian guy was there. We left because we thought that was weird and went somewhere (I can't remember where), but then decided to go back to Don Quoxte. For some reason Jen kept talking about how she wanted to find a dildo.

Don Quoxte began to close, so after a while of looking through random stuff we headed over to Freshness Burger right next door. We got a couple of burgers and then headed back to the station...I think. Just outside of the station we got to rape 2 statues. One of them was the Hachiko statue that Carolin

e and I had been planning to violate since the lion rapefest. We got to cross Hachiko off our list really quickly. After finishing our statue violation, we headed into the station, where Caroline was able to pose with someone's fresh puke. Sweet. She said it had whole chunks of bacon in it. Gross.

In the station, we found the train we needed to take, but it wasn't going to start running for another hour or so, so we found a corner in the station and fell asleep on each other. The train finally came and it was nice and warm. Ahhhh...so good. Then Caroline and Jen decided to start having conversations that I didn't really want to hear about (Or so I said, but secretly, I did. We all know it). Yeah..uhhh...yeah. You two are gross. And you guys piss in sinks. Eventually, we had to split up and Jen took a train to Kawaguchi while Caroline and I took a train back to Kitamoto. At the Kitamoto Station, I saw one of my students getting on the morning train, and he saw me getting off, so he probably figured that I was just getting back, confirming that I'm doing my job of being a good role model.

We got back to my apartment at around 8:00 and proceeded to fall asleep and stay that way until 15:00. After getting up, we planned to go to the grocery store, the recycle shop, and the Kitamoto Central Park. Of those three things, we accomplished......none. Instead we just wasted time until we got hungry, then left to go to the supermarket. On the way to the super, we decided to get lazy so, instead of buying food and making it, we went t

o a restaurant to get some breakfalunchdinner. We ate and pillaged their drink bar and chatted for a while, then went back to my apartment to watch some movies. We took lots of silly pictures and watched movies until around 3:00 or 4:00. It was fun, but the bad news is that I got up at 7:00ish to go teach elementary school children, so I am writing this in a mildly to severely sleep deprived state. Oh yeah. I also taught a little kid that looked a lot like my cousin Samantha. Weird.