Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Always Bitter

It appears that I'm a bitter sleeper. Caroline came back from run, and laid down next to me. I was asleep, so I have to take her word for what I did. Apparently, a little while after she laid down, I said, "It's fuckin' hot", then rolled out of the blankets onto the corner of the futon with a scowl on my face. She said she had to coax the scowl off my face with a massage. Another time, I apparently pushed her across the futon because I was too hot. Ha ha ha. I have absolutely no recollection of either incidents, so you better not mess with me while I'm sleeping, because I can't be held responsible for my actions.

1 comment:

atama ga itai. said...

It was even more awesome when you tried to punch me. Because you were sleeping it was this weak arm waving frenzy, like how muppets flap their arms when they are excited.