Friday, December 15, 2006

Gaywads of the World...UNITE!

Mature Conversations Between Genei
check out How I Became the Bomb!* because I think you'll like them because they're pretty much awesomer than everything. Not really, but they're damn good and in one song they use the word australopithecine.

This band is sweet. I like them so far. You should email me all their songs… I think they have a mini album that has like 7 tracks from what I looked up…anyways…you’re gay

PS you really are a gay

like i have their whole album...wait...i do....ok

I'm only sending these in hopes of getting some sweet action from you, America's #1 he-bitch, Joseph Uggibagooie. I hear your last name is an onomatopoeia for the sounds you make while getting it on with your Brazilian lover Raul. Sexy. Gay hole!

Onomatopoeia - 10 cool points for using that 5 dollar word

I'd rather have $5. Your cool points aren't worth shit. Once I tried to redeem them for a new yo-yo and the store clerk laughed in my face. I was sad, and from that day I swore revenge on you!

Yes.. .well don’t tell anyone else about my cool points fraud. If the word gets out I wont be able to use them for trade.

Ok. Just make sure you give it to Raul really good once for me.

Raul is gentle… and don’t tell me what to do

You can't tell him, but Raul confided in me that he's growing increasingly bored with your "gentle caresses and timid penetration". I'm just trying to save your relationship.

You’re a good friend. Thanks. But your** still extremely homosexual. And not just homosexual… you’re homo-gay. By the by, why you talking to Raul behind my back you floozy..

He told me if he trained me I could get the title of "superhead".

By the way. I just got done teaching a class, and one of the characters in an English exercise was named Dick. I laughed when I read it.

*Special thanks to Caroline for introducing them to me.
**It's "you're (which stands for 'you are')" not "your" dipshit! Ha ha ha ha. What can I expect from a filthy Egyptian immigrant? Just kidding Joe. You got it write more times than most people do.


Unknown said...

i miss playing MOH with you two

The Sofa King said...

MOH, BBQ, and a three pound bag of Haribo gummi bears. Those were the days. Kinda gross in hindsight, but the days. One of these days we should go Tarver hunting again.

jAsian said...

.uoy naht emosewa erom m'I !erutcip a detsop I